Our Impact

I am changing a child's life by...
Being a constant present role model in their lives that they might not otherwise have. I hope to teach them compassion, empathy, empowerment, and resilience by building my connection with the children and fostering a safe relationship that they can depend on.
Providing fun, normal and positive experiences to counteract the trauma and adverse childhood experiences that children in foster care have faced. I can't change the world but I CAN change one story at a time.
Giving them a voice, and by being the person who is always there for them.
With the help of a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), children get through the trauma of the court system safely, quickly and effectively. Here are some of the ways our advocates make a difference in the life of an abused or neglected child in the court system:
- Three children were returned to their mother after CASA advocacy helped to encourage the mother to complete her case plan.
- A CASA volunteer was instrumental in ensuring her CASA child received a replacement pair of eyeglasses.
- A brother and sister are beginning to have visits with each other because of CASA advocacy.
- A CASA volunteer advocated for several months to have a child's medications reduced and for her to be moved to another facility. She started improving after both of these were accomplished and is now thriving in a foster home.
Your donation makes a lifelong difference in a child’s life.
Your gift helps CASA recruit, train, and support active volunteers and provides professional staff and the resources they need to advocate for children.